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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Outdated US rail system faces increasing delays from extreme weather
Credit: Pixabay

Outdated US rail system faces increasing delays from extreme weather

Amtrak’s aging infrastructure struggles to maintain operations as climate change causes more frequent extreme weather events, leading to record delays.

Minho Kim reports for The New York Times.

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Extreme weather exacerbates refugee camp hardships

Extreme weather exacerbates refugee camp hardships

Displaced women in Jordan, Bangladesh, and South Sudan face worsening conditions as extreme weather compounds the challenges of refugee life.

Sarah Raza reports for The Washington Post.

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Rebuilding coastal communities post-hurricanes is complex and transformative

Rebuilding coastal communities post-hurricanes is complex and transformative

As coastal communities rebuild after hurricanes, the process is expensive and can drastically alter local character.

Dorany Pineda and Rebecca Blackwell report for The Associated Press.

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Some US cities are promoting themselves as climate refuges despite concerns

Some US cities are promoting themselves as climate refuges despite concerns

Climate change is prompting some cities to market themselves as safe havens from extreme weather, but experts question their ability to truly offer protection.

Mike De Socio reports for the BBC.

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Las Vegas, New Mexico officials ask residents to save water after flooding threatens city's supply

Las Vegas, New Mexico officials ask residents to save water after flooding threatens city's supply

City officials in Las Vegas, New Mexico, urge residents to conserve water following severe flooding that threatens the city’s supply. The flooding was caused by storms over the burn scar of the 2022 Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak fire.

Phil Scherer reports for Las Vegas Optic.

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Climate change will continue to drive up consumer costs

Climate change will continue to drive up consumer costs

Climate change is already causing price increases on everyday items, and researchers warn it will only worsen, impacting both the planet and the economy.

Sarah Kaplan and Rachel Siegel report for The Washington Post.

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Climate disruption skepticism persists among Australians

Climate disruption skepticism persists among Australians

Despite widespread climate events, only 60% of Australians believe human activity causes climate disruption, a recent poll reveals.

Graham Readfearn reports for The Guardian.

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