Ruth Greenspan Bell

President Joe Biden climate change
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on his proposed budget for fiscal year 2024, Thursday, March 9, 2023, at the Finishing Trades Institute in Philadelphia. (Credit: White House Photo by Hannah Foslien)
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Op-ed: Biden’s Arctic drilling go-ahead illustrates the limits of democratic problem solving

President Biden continues to deploy conventional tactics against the highly unconventional threat of climate change.

Howls of outrage met the Biden administration decision to allow Arctic oil drilling at the same time it pursues the most climate-friendly agenda of any American president. How can this conflict in priorities be explained?

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United Nations climate change
Credit: UK Government
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Op-ed: It’s time to re-think the United Nations’ COP climate negotiations

When you work on climate change, cognitive dissonance is a daily experience. I recently visited West Virginia to bask in the glorious colors of fall.

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Ruth Greenspan Bell: Wealth and the climate dilemma
Credit: Andrew Martin from Pixabay
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Ruth Greenspan Bell: Wealth and the climate dilemma

Irony abounds as we close out a summer that brought the death of the climate truthteller, scientist James Lovelock, along with news that more countries in Africa and South America have decided to exploit, aggressively, their fossil fuel production – protected areas and former promises be damned.

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Gina McCarthy climate change
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Op-ed: Gina McCarthy takes the reins on national climate action

Gina McCarthy, President Biden's Director of the Office of Domestic Climate Policy, has her work cut out for her.

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COVID-19 vaccine
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Op-ed: The tempting but false COVID-19, climate analogy

As we gradually work our way out of the pandemic with the development and distribution of vaccines, what does our evolving success tell us about the possibilities of resolving the climate change crisis?

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Greenspan Bell: Pump the breaks on climate tax talk

The oddly broad-based support for a carbon tax should make us wake up and pay attention to the important policy details.

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Commentary: To tax or not to tax—that is the question.
Craebby Crabbson/flickr

Commentary: To tax or not to tax—that is the question.

As bad news continues to roll in regarding the accelerating impacts of greenhouse gases accumulating in the atmosphere, there is increasing discussion about imposing a carbon tax. Economists across the political spectrum support it, from Irwin Seltzer’s camp that remains “uncertain as to whether there is a global warming phenomenon” to William Nordhaus, who unequivocally views climate change as a threat.

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From our Newsroom
extreme heat

Op-ed: Ripe for disaster declarations — heat, wildfire smoke and death data

Currently, the federal data on extreme heat and wildfire smoke itself constitutes a major disaster.

pennsylvania fracking

Living near oil and gas operations linked to worse mental health in people hoping to become pregnant

“If we’re concerned about healthy pregnancies, focusing on the period before pregnancy may be even more important.”

climate change flooding

Op-ed: The climate crisis demands a move away from car dependency

Power shutoffs or wildfire evacuations can be deadly for disabled people, especially nondrivers who may not have a way to get to a cooling center or evacuation point.

joe biden

Biden administration unveils plan to wean US government off single-use plastics

“Because of its purchasing power … the Federal Government has the potential to significantly impact the supply of these products.”

chemical recycling

Chemical recycling has an economic and environmental injustice problem: Report

“It wouldn’t even make a dent in the amount of plastic pollution out there.”

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