climate science

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extreme heat
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Wildfire smoke impacts air quality in parts of Canada and western US
uk climate tree species
ice cores & melting glaciers
Credit: DRI Science/Flickr

Scientists rush to save historical data locked in melting glaciers

As glaciers worldwide melt, scientists are scrambling to retrieve vital ice cores that hold historical climate records before they are lost forever.

Nicola Jones reports for Yale Environment 360.

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epa scientific integrity
Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program/Flickr

Hours before first presidential debate, EPA head addresses past setbacks and future challenges

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan aims to reassure employees about the agency's future and rebuke past efforts to undermine climate science.

Maxine Joselow reports for The Washington Post.

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astronomers doing climate science
Credit: Ars Electronica/Flickr

Astronomers join the battle against climate change

Astronomers are increasingly applying their skills to address climate issues, demonstrating the versatility of their scientific expertise.

Katrina Miller and Delger Erdenesanaa report for The New York Times.

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Rising ocean temperatures
Credit: Wayne S. Grazio/Flickr

Rising ocean temperatures signal potential global disruptions

As oceans warm at unprecedented rates, experts fear widespread ecological impacts.

Katrin Bennhold, David Gelles and Raymond Zhong report for The New York Times.

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AMOC ocean circulation collapse
Credit: Rover_Thor/Flickr

Climate simulation raises alarm over potential ocean circulation collapse

A recent study by René van Westen showcases how melting Arctic freshwater could disrupt the Atlantic Ocean's circulation, potentially leading to abrupt climate changes.

Sarah Kaplan reports for The Washington Post.

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ChatGPT climate accuracy upside
Credit: Mizkit/Flickr

What happened when climate deniers met an AI chatbot?

A study points to an unexpected upside of ChatGPT's popularity.
big waves

When the storm online is worse than the one outside

Meteorologists and climate scientists are increasingly having to combat misinformation cycles on social media.