energy policy

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White light bulb against black background.
Industrial plant silhouette at night
Image of the USAID web page.
EPA website with information about affordable clean energy.
biomass energy climate injustice

The Inflation Reduction Act’s green energy promise is putting Black communities at risk

A proposed tax credit for biomass energy plants could accelerate pollution in Black communities in the rural South, where forests are already being depleted for European energy demands.

Adam Mahoney reports for Capital B.

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biogas greenwashing
Credit: BES Portland/Flickr

Oregon’s biggest gas company isn’t as green as it claims

NW Natural promised Oregonians it would embrace renewable natural gas, but years later, the company continues to rely on fossil fuels while selling an image of sustainability.

McKenzie Funk reports for ProPublica.

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Europe struggles with energy transition
Credit: Jens Cederskjold/Flickr

Europe struggles with high energy costs and fading industries

European manufacturers are facing a new normal of high energy costs, while global competitors thrive on cheaper power.

Carlo Martuscelli and Victor Jack report for Politico.

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marine oil spills pollution
Credit: Florida Sea Grant/Flickr/U.S. Coast Guard photo

How a 2010 oil spill still shapes cleanup strategies today

Fourteen years after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, scientists remain skeptical that today’s oil spill response methods would be significantly more effective at managing a similarly catastrophic event.

Jocelyn Timperley reports for the BBC.

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Credit: MIRO3D/BigStock Photo ID: 421245206

Trump plans to dismantle climate funding from key law if elected

Donald Trump announced his intention to pull back unspent funds from the Inflation Reduction Act, a key climate law, should he win the 2024 election, sparking concern over its impact on climate projects, especially in Republican districts.

Kelsey Tamborrino reports for Politico.

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Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Credit: Macrovector SLU/Big Stock Photo ID: 475003541

America is stuck in a climate contradiction

The U.S. is funneling billions into carbon capture to slow emissions, but it may not save areas like Louisiana most affected by climate change.

Zoë Schlanger reports for The Atlantic.

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gulf coast’s lng boom
Credit: FracTracker Alliance/Ted Auch, 2023

The Gulf Coast’s LNG boom is making life unlivable for some residents

When Venture Global began building one of the world’s largest liquefied natural gas hubs in Plaquemines Parish, residents found themselves battling water shortages, clogged roads, and overwhelmed emergency services.

Delaney Nolan reports for The Guardian.

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