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extreme heat & vulnerable populations
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
geo-engineering potential solutions
Toxic coal ash complicates Chapel Hill redevelopment plans
Trump anti-climate energy policies
Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Trump’s plans unsettle federal workers

Federal employees fear for their jobs as Trump’s campaign promises to fire civil servants and demolish the “deep state.”

Robin Bravender and Kevin Bogardus report for E&E News.

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Trump’s climate policy legacy has lasting effects at home and globally

Trump’s climate policy legacy has lasting effects at home and globally

Former President Trump’s environmental policies, including exiting the Paris Agreement and rolling back more than 100 regulations, continue to influence climate efforts both in the U.S. and internationally.

Marianne Lavelle reports for Inside Climate News.

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Trump denies knowing about Project 2025 crafted by his former officials

Trump denies knowing about Project 2025 crafted by his former officials

Former Trump officials, including senior energy and environmental appointees, have created Project 2025, a policy blueprint for a potential second term, despite Trump claiming no knowledge of it.

Robin Bravender reports for E&E News.

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Brazil weighs oil wealth against environmental commitments

Brazil weighs oil wealth against environmental commitments

Brazil's Amapá state, rich in forests but plagued by poverty, considers tapping offshore oil reserves for economic growth despite environmental risks.

Constance Malleret reports for The Guardian.

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Wind farm plans in Chile raise environmental concerns

Wind farm plans in Chile raise environmental concerns

Chile’s ambitious green hydrogen strategy faces opposition as conservationists worry about its impact on the Magallanes region's bird sanctuary and ecosystems.

Alexa Robles-Gil reports for Inside Climate News.

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Trump plans major rollback of climate policies if re-elected

Trump plans major rollback of climate policies if re-elected

Donald Trump plans to dismantle key climate policies and boost fossil fuel production if re-elected, alarming scientists and environmentalists.

Marcus Baram reports for Capital & Main.

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