forest management

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tree species assisted migration
Credit: M.E. Sanseverino/Flickr

As tree species face decline, ‘assisted migration’ gains popularity in Pacific Northwest

As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate changes, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.”
threats to California forests

Fire, other ravages jeopardize California’s prized forests

Forest in California may be disappearing. Scientists say repeated fires, drought and beetle infestations are altering the Sierra Nevada.
Forests are worth more than their carbon

Forests are worth more than their carbon, a new paper argues

Experts say carbon sequestration projects that don’t prioritize biodiversity may be doing more harm than good, including to the climate.

Biden’s American Climate Corps

Pa groups thrilled by Biden’s American Climate Corps, but wish it were bigger

American Climate Corps will train 20,000 young people in clean energy, conservation, and climate resilience across the country.
climate science political divide

Patrick Brown criticized his own wildfire study. An uproar ensued.

The Breakthrough Institute’s Patrick Brown said that, in a quest for a “clean narrative,” editors and reviewers of studies ignore factors beyond climate change.
sustainable food packaging
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When it comes to packaging, what’s actually sustainable?

An expert unpacks the paper versus plastic debate, concerns about forever chemicals, and Tim Hortons’ pulp fibre lids.

fungi & wildfire mitigation
BigStock Photo ID: 467929461
Copyright: JohnRPrice

Can mushrooms help prevent wildfires?

Fungi could turn piles of potential wildfire fuel into soil.