comic warning about ignoring science

Good news! A huge THANK YOU to all our donors. We're full-steam ahead.

Our mid-summer campaign raised $12,000, exceeding our goals and powering us into a strong finish to 2020

We normally reserve this space for noteworthy environmental news. But I need time for a heartfelt "thank you."

Last week we concluded our annual mid-summer appeal. Thanks to readers like you, we exceeded our fundraising goal, raising more than $12,000.

More than 170 readers like you gave, in amounts ranging from $5 to $1,000. Given the uncertainties swirling around us all these days, we're honored by the stability your gifts bring, and – more importantly – the support it shows. We promise to use this money efficiently. We've got some exciting programs in the pipeline for the fall. Here's how we'll be investing that money:

  • We just wrapped up our summer internship program. Two bright, promising early career journalists joined us from MIT's Graduate Program in Science Writing: Lucy Jakub and Kate Petersen. They wrote with passion, urgency and knowledge about ocean conservation, clean energy, and plastic pollution. Thanks to you, we can now afford a fall intern. We are looking forward to welcoming Hannah Seo of NYU's Science, Health and Environment Reporting Program in a few weeks.
  • We're excited to continue our acclaimed series, Agents of Change, which gives early-career scientists from historically under-represented backgrounds a platform to write boldly about their work. We concluded the first cohort this summer and will launch the second class later this year. Stay tuned!
  • And we're passionate about continuing to deliver top quality news to your inbox. Every edition of our daily newsletters, Above the Fold and The Daily Climate, takes upwards of 12 hours of staff and researcher time as we hunt down articles and vet them for relevance and urgency. Your donations allow us to deliver this free of charge to inboxes worldwide.

If you haven't donated yet, you can still help by giving today here at our Network For Good donation page. A modest monthly donation – $11 or $21 per month – helps keep this a vibrant space for science and science news, where we can give voice to researchers and help marshal and push promising science into public discussion and policy.

And if you're not yet a subscriber, try our daily newsletter, The Daily Climate. You can sign up here.

We also have a host of topical weekly newsletters, on everything from plastic pollution to population. You can peruse the whole list here.

And, finally, if you are a reader and a donor, a HUGE THANK YOU for staying engaged. You're pushing us all forward.

Living near oil and gas operations linked to worse mental health in people hoping to become pregnant

“If we’re concerned about healthy pregnancies, focusing on the period before pregnancy may be even more important.”

Living near oil and gas operations, including fracking wells, is linked to stress and depression in people who are planning pregnancies, according to a new study.

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Senator Whitehouse & climate change

Senator Whitehouse puts climate change on budget committee’s agenda

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Coast Guard inspects Cameron LNG Facility in preparation for first LNG export in 2019. (Credit: Coast Guard News)

Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way

This 2-part series was co-produced by Environmental Health News and the journalism non-profit Economic Hardship Reporting Project. See part 1 here.Este ensayo también está disponible en español
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Monday breaks record for hottest day ever recorded

Monday set a new global temperature record, surpassing the previous day’s high, as extreme heat continues to affect countries worldwide, according to European climate data.

Sibi Arasu and Seth Borenstein report for The Associated Press.

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Landslides in Ethiopia claim 229 lives

A double landslide in southwestern Ethiopia killed 229 people on Monday, burying rescuers who rushed to help those initially trapped.

Lynsey Chutel and Kumerra Gemechu report for The New York Times.

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Paris aims to host the most sustainable Olympics in 2024

The Paris 2024 Olympics commit to halving the carbon footprint of previous Games through various green initiatives.

Ciaran Varley and Dave Lockwood report for the BBC.

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Oil Tanker sinks in Manila Bay
Credit: Alex Traveler/Flickr

Tanker sinks in Manila Bay, sparking fears of major oil spill

A Philippine oil tanker sank in Manila Bay, potentially causing a major spill, after being battered by waves, prompting the coast guard to rescue 16 of 17 crew members.

Jim Gomez reports for the Associated Press.

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California regulators fail to enforce new oil well cleanup law
Credit: Joe/Pixabay

California regulators fail to enforce new oil well cleanup law

California regulators decided they lack the authority to enforce the state's new oil well cleanup law on California's largest oil company merger, potentially costing taxpayers billions.

Mark Olalde reports for ProPublica.

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Op-ed: The climate crisis demands a move away from car dependency

Power shutoffs or wildfire evacuations can be deadly for disabled people, especially nondrivers who may not have a way to get to a cooling center or evacuation point.

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Biden administration unveils plan to wean US government off single-use plastics

“Because of its purchasing power … the Federal Government has the potential to significantly impact the supply of these products.”

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Chemical recycling has an economic and environmental injustice problem: Report

“It wouldn’t even make a dent in the amount of plastic pollution out there.”

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30 environmental advocacy groups ask PA governor to veto carbon capture bill

“Putting resources toward carbon capture and storage instead of renewable energy is wasting time we don’t have.”

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Op-ed: Farmers of color need climate action now. The farm bill is our best hope.

Farmers of color who are leading the charge for regenerative farming, as they have done for generations, need our support now more than ever.

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