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pennsylvania fracking
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Monday breaks record for hottest day ever recorded
Landslides in Ethiopia claim 229 lives
Meat and dairy companies prioritize advertising over emissions reduction

Meat and dairy companies prioritize advertising over emissions reduction

Meat and dairy companies invest minimal revenue in climate measures while spending significantly on advertising, a new report reveals.

Clare Carlile and Brigitte Wear report for DeSmog.

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Lab-grown pet food gains approval in the UK

Lab-grown pet food gains approval in the UK

Britain has authorized the sale of lab-grown meat for pet food, marking a pioneering step in Europe.

Amelia Nierenberg reports for The New York Times.

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University research supports meat industry's image

University research supports meat industry's image

University researchers are helping meat producers improve their public image through funded research.

Grace van Deelen reports for Vox.

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Lone star tick spreads northward, causing concern over meat allergy

Lone star tick spreads northward, causing concern over meat allergy

A tick known to cause meat and dairy allergies is spreading north, alarming health officials as summer tick activity rises.

Addy Bink reports for The Hill.

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Florida bans the sale of lab-grown meat

Florida bans the sale of lab-grown meat

Florida has become the first state to ban lab-grown meat, sparking a heated debate on food innovation and public health.

Mitch Perry reports for Florida Phoenix.

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Denmark plans world's first emissions tax on livestock

Denmark plans world's first emissions tax on livestock

Denmark will introduce the world's first emissions tax on livestock, aiming to cut greenhouse gases from cows, pigs, and sheep starting in 2030.

Andrew Jeong reports for The Washington Post.

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Leaders ignore animal agriculture's role in climate change at G7 and Bonn summit
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Leaders ignore animal agriculture's role in climate change at G7 and Bonn summit

World leaders failed to address the significant climate impact of animal agriculture during recent G7 and Bonn climate conferences, despite growing evidence of its environmental harm.

Ayurella Horn-Muller reports for Grist.

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